Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontic Treatments in Temple, Texas

[practice_name] provides several orthodontic treatments. While braces are the most common orthodontic treatment, they are by no means the only orthodontic treatment. Our other orthodontic treatments include:

Orthodontic Treatments in Temple, Texas

[practice_name] provides several orthodontic treatments. While braces are the most common orthodontic treatment, they are by no means the only orthodontic treatment. Our other orthodontic treatments include:

7 and Up Club

 7 and Up Club is a new membership club for children ages 7 years old and up.


Invisalign clear aligners can help you achieve a more beautiful smile without filling your mouth with brackets and wires!

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Retainers for Life

Retainers help to maintain the positions of your teeth, preventing any shifting after your braces are removed.

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Surgical Orthodontics

Occasionally, our orthodontist may recommend that orthognathic surgery be performed to correct severe malocclusion or jaw abnormalities.


There are many types of appliances available for orthodontic treatments, including elastics, headgear, and more.

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